Monday, October 8, 2012

A gift voucher?

Today we got a call from someone who wondered if they could subscribe to the helpline for a friend who has lived lived in France for several years but spoke very little French.

Well, we said "Yes of course you can".

They offered the subscription to their friend, who accepted, and they are now members.

With the festive season almost upon us we wonder if we should offer gift vouchers?

Saturday, October 6, 2012

The phone rang this morning

We get all sorts of calls for help. This morning we received a particularly sad one.

A couple had arranged for their dog to spend a week with a neighbour while they went on holiday, because their canine friend really could not go with them this time as she was getting rather old and fragile. Unfortunately their dog died last Tuesday and so a call had to be made to explain this, in French, to the kind neighbour, and their French was not up to it.

So we made the call, explained the situation,  and she was as sad as all of us involved.

Friday, October 5, 2012

The helpline phone

Our helpline service is all about human relationship, bridging the language barrier between two people or a group of people and getting them to understand one another, solving problems on the way.

By its very nature the helpline need a 'line' and for that to work it needs a telephone. We have chosen one of the very best mobile telephones ever made.

When you call the helpline you will be answered from a vintage Sony Ericsson K750i.

The Sony Ericsson K750i 

Surprised? Well you shouldn't be. With the helpline accessible 7/7 and 24/24 the phone had to be robust, light in weight, have a very good signal response, excellent sound quality and a long battery life. Our phone gives us all of this and up to 400 hours on standby and 9 hours of talk-time! 

Bluetooth gives it hands free functionality and it can send and receive email and SMS when needed. 

To protect how your account is used the helpline only answers calls from registered members. Our K750i has a neat little program installed that allows the phone to identify members and refuse calls from unregistered OR withheld numbers. That is why it is so important to display your telephone number when you call.

Another installed program keeps an accurate record of time spent with each member which we deduct from the total credit time available on your account.  

We couldn't find a more 'modern' telephone that had all these features rolled into one.

We chose as our service provider for the helpline because we wanted to support the company responsible for reducing the cost of mobile communications in France by almost 50%. 

So now you know. 

Thursday, October 4, 2012

The first day of our blog

Welcome to the Blog. 

Our blog will cover day to day events in the life of our innovative bilingual helpline service. 

Before we start the blog, here is some useful information that we think will help you get the most out of our bilingual helpline service.

To our knowledge, this is a unique service. You have to think of it as having your personal English - French - English interpreter 'right next to you' wherever you are, 7 days a week.

As a subscriber - and in virtually any situation - all you have to is call the helpline. You can liken it to having a fully bilingual friend on hand to help you with language problems whenever you need it.

We can cope with local accents, fast speaking, slow speaking, slurred speaking, in fact with any French speaking person around the world. So our service is not restricted to France. We offer a global French/English service.

What do you need to do benefit from this service?

You need to be a subscriber, to join, and you will need to call your helpline from a registered telephone number.

You need a telephone, mobile or fixed line, which is registered with and you must display your number when you call. You can register up to two telephone numbers when you join

Why? Because this is the only way we can identify you as a member of the helpline service. Our telephone system is programmed with all current members registered telephone number(s) to protect your account and our service to you.

You will be calling a French mobile number, it is a mobile number so that our duty interpreter can be sure of receiving your call wherever he/she is within the mobile network coverage in France.  This mobile helpline is available 7/7 and 24/24.

And YES, this means that someone is 'welded' to the helpline mobile telephone!

Please note that before 9am and after 7pm Paris time, help is charged at a premium rate. Refer to out pricing page for details. 

Once you have joined you will receive your personal account number and the dedicated mobile number for you to call.

If you have any questions and would like more information about our service you can call our general enquiries line on +33 660 556 664 during office hours.

We look forward to helping you.

Tim Abady - Proprietor helpline and Bilingual Services.

4th October 2012.